


来源:The New York Times

原名:What Happened When Captain Cook Went Crazy

ByDoug Bock Clark





1779年1月,英国探险家詹姆斯·库克驶入被当地人称为“神之道”的火山湾,登陆时迎来数千夏威夷人的热烈欢迎,并被尊为“Lono”——夏威夷的神祇之一。美国作家汉普顿·塞兹在《湛蓝之海》(The Wide Wide Sea)一书中记录了这一场景,书中讲述了库克无意中参与了一场关于神Lono的祭祀仪式,因而可能被误认为是神明。














In January 1779, British explorer James Cook sailed into a volcanic bay known by the locals as the “Pathway of the Gods,” where he was greeted by thousands of Hawaiians with great enthusiasm and revered as “Lono” - one of the gods of Hawaii. This scene is recorded in the book “The Wide Wide Sea” by American writer Hampton Sides, which recounts Cook’s unintentional involvement in a ritual ceremony about the god Lono, potentially leading to him being mistaken for a deity. Sides, the author of works on war and exploration, presents a morally complex story through his description of Cook’s final voyage, exploring various themes including “Eurocentrism,” “toxic masculinity,” and “cultural appropriation.”


While Cook’s expeditions aimed at scientific inquiry, his final voyage was closely linked to colonialism. During this journey, at the request of a Polynesian youth, Cook brought him to London and attempted to find a Northwest Passage between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans on his return voyage. “The Wide Wide Sea” not only narrates the story of “first contact” but also reflects on the consequences Cook’s expansion of European territory had on indigenous communities. Sides revisits Cook’s earlier voyages, pointing out the adverse effects they had on the “discovered” populations, such as the spread of diseases like syphilis. The book mentions Cook’s attempts to prevent his crew from landing on the Hawaiian Islands to avoid the spread of illness and his efforts to avoid involvement in “political disputes” among indigenous civilizations. However, during Cook’s final journey, intense debates arose over whether his actions adhered to the principle of impartial observation. For example, Cook’s exaggerated reaction to a theft incident raised concerns among the crew about his mental state, and the book also suggests that Cook’s unstable health condition may have influenced his emotions and behavior. Although readers rarely glimpse into his emotional world through Cook’s authentic diaries and logs, “The Wide Wide Sea” vividly portrays Cook’s multiple voyages, including explorations of New Zealand, Tahiti, the Kamchatka Peninsula, and Hawaii, among others, showcasing diligent exploration and endurance through Cook’s perspective, filling the gaps in his emotional world.


Sides’ “The Wide Wide Sea” attempts to reexamine this period of history from a 21st-century perspective, interpreting it within the context of colonialism. Through oral history, he presents the perspectives of the Hawaiian people and other indigenous groups, while also depicting vivid images of the English empire and ancient Polynesian culture. However, this modern interpretation also provokes reflections on the differences between new and old versions of historical stories. While “The Wide Wide Sea” critically retells Cook’s journey, certain parts inevitably resonate with earlier versions.


In the end, the Hawaiians finally realized that Cook was not a deity. After exhausting resources and equipping his ship, Cook attempted to kidnap the Hawaiian king to reclaim stolen vessels, leading to a conflict that resulted in Cook’s death. Through “The Wide Wide Sea,” Sides provides a new perspective on Cook’s story, while also presenting an analysis of Cook’s actions and consequences, depicting a history that is not only about scientific exploration but also about colonialism, cultural collision, and power struggles. This work offers us an opportunity to reflect on and reconsider historical events, emphasizing the importance of reexamining historical narratives in contemporary times and calling for a more comprehensive and objective understanding of the past to address its complex legacies.

